Less Stress & More Peace


( January 18th + Bologna, Italy)

*Coming up soon as an online course

Are you finally ready to let go of stress and experience more peace?

What would change in your life if you feel less stressed? How would your health, relationships and daily life transform if you could be more at ease today?

In this Weekly Thematic Course we will focus on something that all of us experience at some point in our lives: feeling stressed and not knowing what to do with it.

Maybe some of the difficulties you are going through are:

  • Never knew what to do when feeling stressed.
  • Don’t know how to easily feel more relaxed and at ease.
  • Not sure how to quickly balance yourself and your life.

If this sounded familiar to you, know that you are not alone in this struggle and shifting to a better place is possible for you.

What you will learn and experience during this weekly thematic course:

  • The number one reason why you feel stressed and why this is definitely NOT your natural state.
  • Understanding who you really are and learning how to embody more of it.
  • One meditation to apply every day at any time and anywhere for instant peace and relaxation.
  • An easy to follow process for releasing the root cause for stress and worry.

And because I myself went through this and know that getting started and practicing daily could be hard I would love to offer you a 7-day ONLINE BONUS SUPPORT:

  • Daily practicing of all material shared in the course
  • Daily support through our online community
  • Daily insightful articles for better understanding and quicker progress

Our feelings and emotions affect all parts of our lives. So letting go of the unwanted ones such as stress and embodying more peace will definitely send happy ripples into all other part of your life: health, relationships, work life, etc . And I’m sharing that from the perspective of someone who had experienced exactly that shift in many areas of my life.

The real value of this course is over 100 € but we all would agree that our wellbeing is priceless. That is why for a limited time you would be able to experience a deep transformation at the value of 10 € per Weekly Thematic Course. Or if you would like to join us for 4 courses ( within 2 months) your investment will only be 30 €.

PAY NOW and reserve your sport by sending an e-mail to 4ere6ka@gmail.com . Hurry up! There are only few spots available.

May your results from this course exceed your wildest dreams!


