
The essence of yellow. Meditating on yellow for 5 days- Day 5

Today is the last day of meditating on yellow. Would you like to share with us what insides you got and what action you took?

After focusing and meditating on yellow this whole week I created this visual reminder in one of the corners of my desk. It reminds me of joy, laughter, fun, playfulness, childlike approach to life, optimism and creativity. This week’s experience was so powerful and inspiring that I’ve come up with some affirmations that carry the wonderful energy of yellow. Here they are.

color meditation

Yellow infused affirmations:

  • I am a magnet for fun and laughter.
  • I play with life every day.
  • I breathe in optimism and infuse my life with it.

Would you like to try them out and have some fun?




The essence of yellow. Meditating on yellow for 5 days- Day 4

Cartoon Healing Art

Hello and welcome to day 4 of this wonderful color meditation. This week we are meditating on yellow.

The photo above is a visual overview of what happened so far: PLAY – CREATE – BE. This is what yellow teaches us. 🙂




P.S. Tomorrow is the last day. Don’t miss it!


The essence of yellow. Meditating on yellow for 5 days- Day 3

Welcome to day three of this inspiring color meditation.

Do you like crystals? Aren’t they beautiful? Do you have any crystal that matches the feelings embodied by yellow? If not, do you feel inspired to buy some this week? They might help you connect to the feelings you would love to experience.

I love my citrine crystal and its powerful energy. It reminds me of creativity. From all colors yellow and orange are the ones I associate with creativity and playfulness. That is why I love to be surrounded by those beautiful colors.

healing crystals art



The essence of yellow. Meditating on yellow for 5 days- Day 2

The essence of yellow. Meditating on yellow for 5 days- Day 2

Hello an welcome to day two of meditating on yellow.

Did you feel the essence of yellow during the visualization yesterday? I am curious to know your definition of yellow.

Would you like to experience more of what yellow embodies? For example more joy, happiness or playfulness. If so, what inspired action can you take right now to help you feel that way? Maybe call a friend and have some fun together?

Mandala Healing Art by Anna

For example, I felt the need to focus more on being optimistic as yellow represents optimism to me. The inspired action I am going to take is to look at the bright side of situations I’ve perceived as bad in the past and journal about it. How uplifting is this?



P.S. Do you like coloring mandalas? This mandala is one of many that are going to be a part of a coloring book I am currently working on.


The essence of yellow. Meditating on yellow for 5 days- Day 1

The essence of yellow. Meditating on yellow for 5 days- Day 1

Hello and welcome to this color meditation!

From Monday to Friday you will have the change to learn new ways to connect to colors and experience healing. Allow beauty and inspiration to fill you up and light up your life. Enjoy!color meditation

“I really just want to be a warm yellow light that pours over everyone I love” – Conor Oberst.

Would you like to be inspired by yellow as Conor Oberst was? This short exercise would help you connection to this wonderful color and explore its essence.

  1. Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes.
  2. Take some deep breaths and start relaxing.
  3. Imaging a yellow cloud is approaching you. Notice the dancing sparkles.
  4. Allow yourself to be enveloped by yellow and notice how you feel.
  5. What is your impression of this color? Do you feel warm? Do you find this color playful?

If you like what you feel allow yourself to stay in this state for a while and breath in deeply the wonderful experience you are having.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post! I can’t wait to share my latest piece of art with you!

