A fun, creative way to connect with your soul.

A fun, creative way to connect with your soul.

It takes just a couple of minutes and it can be practiced at any time, anywhere. It is a great way of using imagination to receive ideas, guidance and inspiration from your soul. Daydreaming is fun, easy and anyone can do it.

When you immerse yourself in daydreaming you dip your brush in your soul and paint the life of your dreams. You are on an exploration journey of your deepest desires, some of which you might have forgotten or suppressed. Your soul is helping you connect to your dreams and is showing you all the wonderful ways you could experience life.

paint and brush

Make yourself comfortable, relax and ask yourself, “What would I love to experience next? Where would I love to be? With whom would I love to spend my time?”. Picture the whole experience and feel it with your entire body. Engage all of your senses. How do you feel? What do you see? Do you hear any noise?

Daydreaming can also be use to achieve goals and solve problems. Focus on something you need clarity on and ask yourself, “What would be a great way to ___?”. Just relax and daydream for a while. Be bold and consider the wildest ideas and solutions you might get. Infinite possibilities will start revealing themselves. Remember that taking action is vital. You need to act on the inspiration in order to create any change you desire.

Often daydreaming isn’t taken seriously by adults. That lack of resistance makes it a great way to connect to your soul and receive the guidance you need. Have fun and enjoy the process as it unfolds.




The essence of yellow. Meditating on yellow for 5 days- Day 5

Today is the last day of meditating on yellow. Would you like to share with us what insides you got and what action you took?

After focusing and meditating on yellow this whole week I created this visual reminder in one of the corners of my desk. It reminds me of joy, laughter, fun, playfulness, childlike approach to life, optimism and creativity. This week’s experience was so powerful and inspiring that I’ve come up with some affirmations that carry the wonderful energy of yellow. Here they are.

color meditation

Yellow infused affirmations:

  • I am a magnet for fun and laughter.
  • I play with life every day.
  • I breathe in optimism and infuse my life with it.

Would you like to try them out and have some fun?




The essence of yellow. Meditating on yellow for 5 days- Day 4

Cartoon Healing Art

Hello and welcome to day 4 of this wonderful color meditation. This week we are meditating on yellow.

The photo above is a visual overview of what happened so far: PLAY – CREATE – BE. This is what yellow teaches us. 🙂




P.S. Tomorrow is the last day. Don’t miss it!

10 scientific benefits of meditation you might be missing out on

10 scientific benefits of meditation you might be missing out on

We can come up with a lot of reasons why we don’t meditate but what’s more important is to have good reasons why we should meditate.

So, why do you meditate?

I personally meditate to quiet my mind and reduce the stress I sometimes experience. But I also experience other benefits such as being more present and being able to focus easier. I also love exploring the spiritual side of meditation.

Did you know that there are over 3000 scientific studies on the benefits of meditation?

If you still think meditating is not for you check out the following 10 science based reasons by Emma Seppala who is Science Director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education.


Hungry for more? Here are 18 science based reasons to try loving-kindness meditation today. It might change your life.

After having experienced the many benefits of meditation I’ve came to the conclusion that I simply cannot afford not to meditate. The cost of not taking care of ourselves is too high and unfortunately we are often not aware of it.

Do you have friends who think that meditation is not for them and that they don’t have time to meditate? Help them out by sharing those 10 science based reasons. You never know what meditation might do for them.

Talk to you next week!


Use creativity to get clear on what you truly want and how to achieve it

Use creativity to get clear on what you truly want and how to achieve it

Do you often wonder about what it is you truly want. Do you know what you would love to experience in your life and how you would love to feel?

If so, then what are the steps you would like to take towards realizing your desires?

If you don’t have the answers to those questions you might want to give daydreaming a try. It’s fun and easy. Daydreaming is a great way to use your imagination and intuition to gain clarity and get new inspiring ideas which will help you create the life you want.

So, how can you start daydreaming today?

daydreaming creative process tool

First of all set aside enough time to relax and get in the flow of daydreaming. Taking few deep breaths would help you relax even deeper and get into the present moment.

After that focus on what you would love to experience and how you would love to experience it. Here are some questions that can help you start:

  • Where in the world would I love to be?
  • How does my surrounding look like?
  • Who is with me in that moment?
  • What am I doing and how does it feel?

Engage all of your senses to make the experience more vivid- sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.

You can start with imagine how you would love to feel, what you would love to do or where you would love to be. It doesn’t really matter. What’s important is to picture the whole experience and really FEEL IT IN YOUR BODY. Why that? This is your guidance system sending you signals if what you are daydreaming about is right for you. Paying attention to your feelings is the way to gain more clarity around what you really what in your life.

For example today I was daydreaming about moving to a new place with my partner. We have only lived in apartments our whole lives and the next logical thing to do is to move to another apartment, right? When I started imaging the new space we could soon live in I felt restricted and contracted. To make a long story short those feelings indicated that I might need more space to feel more free (clarity around what I really want) and one way of doing that is renting a house with a garden (an idea how to achieve what I want), something we’ve never thought of before.

It is essential to trust your intuition and feelings throughout the process. They will always guide you in the right direction.

Daydreaming can be used for any area of your life and you could also ask a specific question before you start. For example if you would love to expand your business you could ask yourself “What would the next best step be in expanding my business?”. Only because you want to apply this creative process to your work it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take it seriously. Just relax and spend some time focusing on your wildest dreams. Have fun and unleash your creative power!

Make some time to daydream today! On what area would you like to focus? Let us know in the comments below.


P.S. Often we have this big, bold dreams to go somewhere, be someone or experience something in our lives. They might seem scary and impossible to realize right now but this doesn’t mean we should give up on them. Every moment we have the choice to either take a step towards our dreams or not to. If you choose to act than look for the small steps you can take right now. Daydreaming is using your imagination to help you take the next step. Your imagination is bold and free and will always give you the best answers, ideas and inspiration.


Open up

open up t more love healing art

Fill your heart with the love that already surrounds you. All it takes are just few breaths.

Inhale love and imagine your heart expanding more and more with each next breath.

Enjoy the warm feeling in your chest.
