A fun, creative way to connect with your soul.

A fun, creative way to connect with your soul.

It takes just a couple of minutes and it can be practiced at any time, anywhere. It is a great way of using imagination to receive ideas, guidance and inspiration from your soul. Daydreaming is fun, easy and anyone can do it.

When you immerse yourself in daydreaming you dip your brush in your soul and paint the life of your dreams. You are on an exploration journey of your deepest desires, some of which you might have forgotten or suppressed. Your soul is helping you connect to your dreams and is showing you all the wonderful ways you could experience life.

paint and brush

Make yourself comfortable, relax and ask yourself, “What would I love to experience next? Where would I love to be? With whom would I love to spend my time?”. Picture the whole experience and feel it with your entire body. Engage all of your senses. How do you feel? What do you see? Do you hear any noise?

Daydreaming can also be use to achieve goals and solve problems. Focus on something you need clarity on and ask yourself, “What would be a great way to ___?”. Just relax and daydream for a while. Be bold and consider the wildest ideas and solutions you might get. Infinite possibilities will start revealing themselves. Remember that taking action is vital. You need to act on the inspiration in order to create any change you desire.

Often daydreaming isn’t taken seriously by adults. That lack of resistance makes it a great way to connect to your soul and receive the guidance you need. Have fun and enjoy the process as it unfolds.

